Hope LA Foundation

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This L.A. project shows that homeless housing can be done quickly and cheaply

  • This project discussed in this article shows that it is definitely possible to come up with faster solutions for homeless housing.

  • The 232-bed Vignes Street development will have shattered the axiom that homeless housing takes years to build and is exorbitantly expensive.

  • From start to finish in under five months and at a cost of about $200,000 per bed, it has shaved years and hundreds of thousands of dollars off a traditional homeless housing project.

  • Conceived as an experiment, the project is a hybrid of permanent and temporary structures and will be used flexibly for both housing and shelter.

  • The bulk of the funding came from the federal CARES Act, allowing the county to sidestep the usual convoluted process of finding money for affordable housing.

  • “The goal is house people as quickly as you can,” said Sarah Dusseault, a commissioner with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority who advised Solis on the project. “Get people into housing right away, even if it’s going to be operated as temporary.”

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