For the benefit of all the schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District

Ready to start immediately

School Shooting Statistics

School shootings are unfortunately and undeniably on the rise. With over 650,000 students in kindergarten through twelfth grade in the 1,200 schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), we have a responsibility to them to do everything in our power to protect them from this horrific trend.

Here are some gun violence facts borrowed from sandyhookpromise.org:

  • The U.S. has had 2,032 school shootings since 1970 and these numbers are increasing. Alarmingly, 948 school shootings have taken place since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012. 

  • Guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens. 1 out of 10 gun deaths are age 19 or younger. 

  • Each day, 12 children die from gun violence in America. Another 32 are shot and injured.

  • Since the historic attack at Columbine High School in 1999, nearly 300,000 students have been on campus during a school shooting.

  • In 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one other person had knowledge of the attacker’s plan but failed to report it.

  • In a comprehensive school shooting study, the Secret Service and Department of Education found that  93% of school shooters planned the attack in advance. 

The Los Angeles School Police Department (LASPD) that currently serves our schools have recently had their force reduced by one third, leaving only 211 officers on the district’s force.

But even with the full previous capacity of the LASPD our schools were not necessarily safer from the particular threat of school shootings. There is currently no specialized and comprehensive security program in place for LAUSD schools. 

Our aim is to unify, amplify, and manage school security at LAUSD with the support and direction of leading experts in the field, with the sole purpose of preventing and mitigating school shootings.

Los Angeles School Security Program (LASSP)

Presented by Hope LA Foundation

Perimeter Check & One Point of Entry 

Our team of experts will assess each school individually to secure the entire perimeter of each building, ensuring there is never more than one entry point.

Two Professional Armed Security Guards

Most of the schools in LAUSD have either one armed security guard or none at all. We propose that there are at least two armed, trained security guards present during school hours at all times.

Surveillance System 

Each school will have full coverage security cameras that will be monitored by trained professionals at all times during school hours.

Metal Detector

The single entry-point of each individual school building will have a walk-through metal detector.

Monitor Crime in Surrounding Areas 

The security of each school will be adjusted according to its unique location and needs.

Backup Security 

Hope LA team will always make sure that no school building is ever left without at least two armed security guards in the premises during school hours. There will be multiple security companies on standby in case there is ever a need for a last minute back up.

Committee of Top Level Security Experts 

Hope LA will select and maintain a team of high level security experts who will continuously provide their expertise to help with security strategies and design. These will be experts in the field of school shootings or any other active shooter and/or hostage situations.

Anonymous Reporting System for Students 

Hope LA will provide an app and a hotline where students can anonymously submit tips about safety concerns and receive follow up information and resources. There will also be anonymous survey collection boxes where students can rate their feelings of safety and/or any specific safety concerns.