Los Angeles River Bike Path Clean Up & Restoration Project 2022

Our goal is to make the 7.4 mile section of bikeway that runs through the Glendale Narrows to the Elysian Valley - known as the Elysian Valley Bicycle & Pedestrian Path - cleaner and safer for the communities it serves.


Project Scope of Work

  • Covid clean all touch surfaces and all general area according to CDC guidelines

  • Brush clearing for fire prevention and maintenance

  • Installation and maintenance of landscaping in various planting areas

  • Mulching of various planting areas

  • Repair, maintenance, installation of lights along the bike path

  • Installation of security cameras & signs

  • Concentrated cleanup and safety measures under the highway overpasses

  • Repair and repaint fences to maintain safety protocols

  • Painting and removal of graffiti

  • Survey of wildlife in the LA River Ecosystem

  • Testing for water toxicity in the LA River

  • Housing plan for Homeless residents in & around bike path


Environmental & Community Impact

The LA River and Bike Path, along with the parks along it, is an extremely important resource for park-poor Angelenos - especially communities of color, who often do not have the ability to reach other natural public lands. Small businesses will also be positively affected by this project, helping to create a thriving community along the river.

We will work with environmental groups and experts to ensure our project does not disturb the wildlife or ecosystem of the river. We aim to work with professionals to decrease water toxicity.

We want to clean up and revitalize the Bike Path ASAP, so community members, families, cyclists, birdwatchers and the like can enjoy it right now.