Let’s Build LA


Our Mission Is To Transform Los Angeles

Hope LA Foundation is an urban development non-profit organization where our goal is to transform the beautiful city of Los Angeles into a haven for ALL its citizens - regardless of socioeconomic status - through creating, innovating and developing both physical and social infrastructures to give everyone an opportunity for a better life. Our main focus is on Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Community Development, and Nature & Outdoor Spaces.

Learn more here.

 We are targeting FOUR absolutely essential aspects of this city which are going to be paramount to the betterment of Los Angeles starting right now. Here they are:

Affordable Housing

Los Angeles, a city of sunshine and soaring ambitions, hides a troubling reality: the crushing cost of housing. While opportunity glimmers on its surface, the dream of a stable and affordable home fades for countless residents. Essential workers, seniors, and struggling families are squeezed by skyrocketing rents and unattainable home prices. The quest for a simple, decent place to live has become an endless battle. This severe shortage of affordable housing pushes individuals and families to the financial breaking point, casting a long shadow over the city's promise and threatening its future.

Homeless Population

According to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, the results of the 2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which showed 66,436 people in Los Angeles County experiencing homelessness, Friday. This represents a 12.7% rise from last year's point-in-time count. Yes, it is a massive and an ever growing crisis that we have to handle RIGHT NOW.

Community Development

Researchers have identified strong links among socioeconomic disparities, physical inactivity, and poor health. And studies have shown that community recreation facilities and physical activity programming are affected by local socioeconomic conditions. Basically low-income communities have way less access to park and recreation facilities in Los Angeles and it is our goal to build and renovate more community centers all across Los Angeles with libraries, sports fields and after school programs and spaces. We also want to build more low-income housing with these above mentioned facilities.

Nature and Outdoor Spaces

Urban green spaces such as parks, woods, lake sides, and gardens give people the space for physical activity, relaxation, peace, and an escape from heat. Multiple studies have shown that these spaces reduce stress and boost mental and physical health. Los Angeles is blessed with lots of outdoor nature spaces and we want to create and renovate more bike paths, hiking trails, gardens, etc.

Boyle Heights Cleanup Project

LA River Bike Path Cleanup

Los Angeles School Security Program (LASSP)