Petition to Get Street Sweeping from a Ground Crew on all Major Streets in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles

The citizens of Boyle Heights are signing a petition for cleaning all the major streets there by a ground crew. This city in LA County is in desperate need of street cleaning. Here are some of the major concerns brought up by the citizens of Boyle Heights in this petition, in their very own words:

  • Our major streets in Boyle Heights haven't had any form of street sweeping. For example Famous Whittier Blvd. hasn't had any in 40 years.

  • Specially with COVID-19 cleanliness is of most importance.

  • It affects our mental health and that of our children to daily interact with filthy streets. Our children and residence deserve to see, feel and experience clean streets

  • Petition To get Street Sweeping a week from a Ground Crew on all major streets in Boyle Heights that currently are not getting any form of Street Sweeping.

  • We the residents, business owners, renters, property owners, and visitors who use all the major blocks in Boyle Heights. We request continual Street Sweeping once a week minimum only from a ground crew that would use brooms, small rakes, and scoopers to access trash around parked cars.

  • Those of us who are taxpayers in Council District 14 this a basic city service that should be rendered to us and we have paid for this monthly our Sewer Service Charge on our DWP bill and our property taxes.

  • We are asking for THE STREETS LA Bureau of Street Services or The Sanitation Department to do their job along with our city council representative to continuously provide this service because it is a public health threat.

  • We cannot have the Street Sweeper truck because many of our homes or businesses do not have driveways, alleys or garages. Most of us have already paid hundreds/thousands in parking tickets from the side streets that do have the street sweeper. This is a quality of life issue and we demand respect and expect clean streets.

To read the full petition and sign it, please click here.


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