Hope LA Foundation

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New Phase of Burbank Wash Bike/Walk Path Opening Very Soon

  • Construction is all but complete on the city of Burbank’s new bike/walk path along the Burbank Western Wash.

  • Burbank’s Assistant Community Development Director David Kriske states that the path is expected to be open by February 1. “While most of the construction is done, we are still working on some finishing items including landscaping, sign and traffic signal work, hand rail installation, and cleanup,” he says.

  • The new 0.75-mile long path – officially called phase two of the Burbank Wash Bikeway – extends along the Burbank Western Wash, from Olive Avenue to Alameda Avenue. The path offers new mobility and recreation opportunities for a neighborhood of primarily multi-story apartment buildings – one of the more population-dense parts of the city of Burbank.

  • The new path was initially estimated to cost just under $4.4 million, but ended up costing $8.7 million.

  • The project was initially funded by a Metro Call for Projects grant ($2.7 million), a California Urban Greening grant ($0.98 million), plus the city’s local match ($0.68 million). The further cost increase ended up being funded by a Metro Measure M Multiyear Subregional Program (MSP) grant ($3 million) and the city of Burbank’s Measure R local return funds ($1.4 million.

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